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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.70
(based on 58 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
GAME:  Verb Mania Review III Preterite Verbs

GAME: Verb Mania Review III Preterite Verbs

This game takes students through a 6 station rotation of verb conjugation. At each new station they check their answers from the previous and then continue to the next challenge. This game is best suited as practice for regular and irregular preterite verbs at the Spanish II level or higher. Download includes rules of play, student sheet for fill ins and challenge questions/answer keys for six stations in your room. Activity takes one class period to complete and is an excellent review before a test or as a refresher from last year for Spanish III.
Conjugation grids for Preterite Regular Verbs and CAR/GAR/ZAR

Conjugation grids for Preterite Regular Verbs and CAR/GAR/ZAR

This is a simple worksheet with conjugation boxes to get students practicing the endings for regular preterite AR verbs. On the back side, students are reminded of the spell changes required in YO forms and practice verbs that end in CAR, GAR, ZAR. This works best as homework on the day you launch preterite for the first time in a level or II class, or if you need a "quiz corrections" practice for students to prepare for a quiz or retake quiz on preterite verb conjugation.
Mandatos Formales (Ud., Uds., Nosotros Commands) Notes and Practice

Mandatos Formales (Ud., Uds., Nosotros Commands) Notes and Practice

Step by step notes on the formation of Ud, Uds, and Nosotros commands with practice examples along the way for students to complete. Print these on card stock to use as a graphic organizer for note taking or for reference for students. Answer key to examples included. Notes are designed for Spanish II or higher students who are learning formal commands for the first time or as a quick review.
Partner Practice: ¿Qué recomiendas?  (Subjunctive)

Partner Practice: ¿Qué recomiendas? (Subjunctive)

This partner practice presents simple problems and students present simple solutions using the subjunctive tense and impersonal expressions. Students take turns presenting problems and giving advice while making verbs in in subjuntive. Partner practice takes 15-20 miinutes to run in class and works best with level III or higher who have been practicing subjunctive conjugation and usage for a few days.
Partner Practice: Los Reflexivos

Partner Practice: Los Reflexivos

This partner practice contains 8 questions and 8 images for each person. Students take turns asking and answering questions about items they need to perform reflexive actions. Practice takes about 15 minutes to run and is a good way to review/reinforce thematic vocabulary while practicing conjugation of reflexive verbs with the pronouns attached to the end. (Verb pair sentences) Best suited to Spanish II or higher students who have already had a few working with reflexive verbs and thematic vocabulary.
Presentation: Un viaje muy especial

Presentation: Un viaje muy especial

This student driven short presentation project emphasizes narrating a special trip taken using the preterite and imperfect tenses interchangeably. It is best suited for Spanish III or higher but could be used with a smaller advanced class of Spanish II at the end of the unit on Preterite vs Imperfect. Students compile a list of objects that represent a trip taken and then use them as props to narrate their experience to classmates. Lesson includes specific directions, guided questions for writing their scripts, a detailed grading rubric for you and a listening sheet for students to take notes on their peers presentations.
¡Bienvenidos! Welcome back Survey and Introductions Activity

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome back Survey and Introductions Activity

This 16 question survey for students is designed to be an icebreaker and review activity in the first week of classes. Questions use preterite and imperfect so this activity works best for 3rd year or higher students. Students answer the questions about their summer, then interview a partner in Spanish. They select information to compose an introduction and present their partner to the class. Activity takes one class period from start to finish, and works at reviewing vocabulary, past tense verbs, comparatives and interrogatives. Students use reading, writing and speaking to complete.
Movie Guide: LA FONDA AZUL (The Blue Diner)

Movie Guide: LA FONDA AZUL (The Blue Diner)

This PG-13 film started off slow and hard to understand, but after the first 15 minutes proved to be a delightful film all the way to the end. Elena, a young Puerto Rican woman loses her ability to speak Spanish after a stressful argument with her mother. All sorts of complications in her life appear as she is suddenly unable to communicate with those around her except in English. There is a wonderful sub-plot centered on food served at the diner and a little romantic twist as well. I think older students would do better with the film due to the slow pace in the beginning but its totally appropriate for 9th grade and up. Movie questions come in both Spanish and English in chronological order to film, also included are a few topics for follow up discussion.
Movie Guide: The Burning Season

Movie Guide: The Burning Season

This movie actually takes place in Brazil, and chronicles the true story of the struggle of Chico Mendes to halt the destruction of the rainforest. One of the last films Raul Julia made before his death, this film is an excellent illustration of the conflict between development and conservation. While the film carries no rating for the classroom, there is one very brief (3 sec) snippet of an inappropriately clothed woman, if you are quick with a file folder you can cover the screen or edit out the scene. Its worth the effort as the film is excellent and serves as a great discussion opener to the plight of tropical nations as they destroy their habitat in order to feed their children. Movie guide contains 26 chronologically ordered questions and several topics for follow up. Questions are in English as is the film.
French Scrapbook Project

French Scrapbook Project

This project is best suited for first semester French students or young learners, and is designed to create an awareness of the presence of French on items everywhere in our daily lives. Download includes directions for project, grading rubric and a blackline master of artifact sheets you can copy en masse for your students to archive their findings. This project is meant to be completed outside of class, I recommend several interim due dates within the first semester to hold students accountable to making progress with their project.
Countries and Capitals Webquest: Spanish Speaking Countries

Countries and Capitals Webquest: Spanish Speaking Countries

How well you do know the countries of Latin America? 16 short descriptions of interesting facts about each country lead students on an internet guessing game. Great for beginners, practicing countries and capitals, and learning about Spanish speaking countries in general. Webquest is in English so it could be used for a social studies class studying Latin America as well. Students can do this activity in the computer lab or as homework outside of school. I recommend the CIA world factbook website as an excellent resource to find the information listed in the clues. Webquest takes about 30-40 minute to complete.
Teacher of the Day - French

Teacher of the Day - French

This warm up works best for students who have had at least one semester of French. Student teacher of the day leads the class through a daily warm up while you take attendance and catch up absent students. A great review activity as well as practice of verb conjugations and vocabulary, the warm up can be easily increased in difficulty as the year progresses. Activity takes 5-10 minutes to complete and download includes instructions, blackline for students to complete and a sign up template to keep track of who is "in charge".
PRUEBA: Subjunctive Quiz Spanish

PRUEBA: Subjunctive Quiz Spanish

This quiz works best for a level III or higher class where students have already been working with subjunctive verbs for awhile. I use it as my second quiz after students have completed my homework practice packet. Quiz is 50 pts, takes one class to complete and is graduated in task level. 1) identification of expressions that take either Subj or Indicative tenses. 2) Practice sentences to complete in Subj, Ind or Infinitive 3) an essay prompt on a student familiar topic for them to answer creatively using subj and indicative tenses, work bank of starter expressions included for them.
Powerpoint: GUSTAR and Verbs that work like GUSTAR

Powerpoint: GUSTAR and Verbs that work like GUSTAR

This 26 slide powerpoint walks students through proper usage of the verb GUSTAR and other verbs that work like it. It covers pronoun selection, matching GUSTAR to items and actions and use of clarifiers. At 28 slides with opportunities for students to practice, it takes one full class period to present with opportunities to work examples and check their answers.


This quick 40 pt quiz covers making commands with and without Direct Object and reflexive pronouns. Quiz is set up in a chart form for students to demonstrate knowledge of commands in TU, UD. UDS. and NOSOTROS in positive and negative forms. This quiz works best as a formative assessment to see if your students have the rules down for how to make them. Students complete the chart manipulating the pronouns between positive and negative. Chart contains some regular, irregular, weird YO and stem changer verbs. This is not a proficiency based quiz, but will give you a quick check to see if you are ready to take students to the next level with commands.
La Lección de Cocinar: Class Demonstration Assessment

La Lección de Cocinar: Class Demonstration Assessment

This project is designed for Level II or higher students to get them using informal commands and food vocabulary. Students guide a randomly selected classmate in the preparation of a simple recipe. Project includes suggestions to prepare, step by step instructions, 2 pages of relevant useful vocabulary and a rubric for grading. You can generally see 7 presentations per class period if you are well organized. Allow 2 days for students to create scripts and one class period for peer editing and proofing. Hilarious fun to watch the kids try to explain how to put things together in Spanish. Winner of Missouri Best Lessons award.
Una Fabula: El Saltamontes y la Hormiga Preterite vs Imperfect Practice

Una Fabula: El Saltamontes y la Hormiga Preterite vs Imperfect Practice

The famous story of the ant and the grasshopper by Aesop serves as inspiration for this preterite vs imperfect practice that works best for Spanish II or III after students have been working with choosing preterite vs imperfect in sentences. Fable includes 33 blanks for practice and an answer key for you.


This movie is excellent for Spanish IV, V or AP/IB class. It takes place in Franco's Spain and alternates between the real world of the resistance movement with its risks of fighting facism, and the magical world of Ofelia's Labyrinth. This film carries an R rating for several scences of brutal violence and may require parental permission if your students are younger than 17. Pan's Labyrinth won an Oscar for Best Foreign film and is an excellent way to introduce your students to the terrors of Franco's facism. Study Guide includes 19 chronological questions in Spanish, Temas para Pensar discussion questions and a word bank to help your students write and comprehend the film. Created by Barbara Davis


Based on a true life experience of the director, this film chronicles a young boys experience at a private catholic school during World War II. Julien befriends a new student and discovers that he is actually Jewish and hiding from the Nazis who have occupied France. This film is excellent for any level of French students and is easy to follow albeit rather sad. I would also recommend it to Social Studies students studying the Nazi Occupation of France. Film can be shown in two class periods. Movie guide contains 22 questions in chronological order and three topics for follow up discussion. Questions are in English as many require higher level thought process responses from students.
Preterite Practice with Napoleon Dynamite

Preterite Practice with Napoleon Dynamite

My students love this ridiculous preterite verb practice that accompanies the first two scenes of the film Napoleon Dynamite. You will need the video in order to complete the practice but any one of your students probably already owns it if you don't. Run the film, you can put the dialogue into Spanish for SP III classes or higher and have the students conjugate the verbs in the preterite as they watch. This activity works well at the end of the Preterite unit for level II or as a quick review for levels III and IV. It doesnt even feel like work because the scenes are so funny. I know your students will enjoy the practice!